The time will come when you'll see that pretty much everything was better than you thought. That life was more beautiful, people were kinder, greens were greener, and the water was cleaner. But most of all, Reagan, you'll see... that you were simply stunning, every day of your life.
Happily, I've always known the truth -
The Universe
Every single minute of every single day, they're there, Reagan.
They may be hidden behind circumstances, people, or light poles. Challenges, closed doors, or lost keys. Camouflaged, dovetailed, or whispering. Purring, kissing, or hissing. But more often than not they're laying about in the open, under a clear blue sky, in plain view. Absolutely. Guaranteed. You'd throttle me otherwise.
10,000 reasons to be happy.
Jumanji, baby -
The Universe